See My Quilts Here

Saturday, January 29, 2022


I’m happy to say that John’s surgery went well and he is now recovering at home.  Whoohoo!  With that worry happily settled, we can fully enjoy our vacation!

Isn’t this beautiful?  

It was the sunset Friday night taken from our table on the patio at Gannon’s Restaurant in Wailea, an area on Maui’s South coast known for its well-tended gulf courses and luxury resorts.  This is not the type of neighborhood Ben and I usually hang out in but we’re here  because we wanted a big ocean view condo to share with John and Dawn and one within walking distance to several new-to-us South shore beaches, our previous attempts to visit them having been stymied by a lack of parking.  

The map app said it was a 45 minute walk to Gannon’s and being walkers we set out for a nice stroll to dinner.  We soon learned that the route was basically one long uphill climb on paved sidewalks. We were the only walkers and as we were passed by car after car I got hotter and sweatier in Hawaii’s high humidity. I was a bit embarrassed as we entered this swanky restaurant out of breath and my hair wet with sweat and I headed straight to the restroom to mop off with paper towels.  Ben insisted I looked great—one reason why I love him—and wanted to take my photo with the sunset glow in the background. 

Well, one good thing about hiking two miles to dinner is that you’ve earned a few more calories so along with my macadamias nut crusted mahi-mahi and Ben’s ahi tuna we splurged on an order of onion rings, each of us enjoying about four of the best rings I’ve ever had, so crispy and tasty.

No, we didn’t walk back.  Instead, we took a Lyft to the well-known Monkeypods where we had a delicious Mai Tai before making the short walk downhill to the Condo, navigating our way in the dark with the map app and a few too many false turns. It’s a maze out there on those pathways.

Here’s a photo from our lanai this morning showing part of our wide view of the ocean.  I could get used to this type of scenic neighborhood!  

As soon as we entered the condo yesterday I spotted a whale spout a ways from the shore but close enough to see it then breach.  It then flipped his fin several times in an effort to attract a nearby female.  Very thrilling!  But so far today I haven’t spotted any others, even as we sit here on Ulua beach within much closer viewing. 

And here is Ulua beach in all its beauty.  

We’re about to leave and begin the half mile uphill walk back to the condo.  Good thing for the map app; navigating through condo land can be quite tricky as they all look alike to us. By the time we get the layout under our belts it will be time to move on to Lahaina!

1 comment:

  1. John (Brother in Law): Lontmont, CO has an epic, short ice event morning of 1/19. I missed the signs and walked out onto sheet ice that looked just wet. Within two steps I was looking at the sky. Fractured T1 vertebrae nicely, EMS to the hospital by calling them with my phone on my left hand solo...punching in the numbers with my nose...right side was not working to well....BUT, it was a blessing in disguise as I had un diagbosed spinal stenosis that would have been a real problem detected later that night. Cue slice and dice and while sore and in some pain, both legs feel 'better'. Throat not so much but it will heal. First words out of my mouth to the Neurosurgen was 'is my trip to HI next week in trouble?'..she was kind and said no, but it won't be 'next' week, more like now in the fall....dum ta dum...she had a sense of humor. 18 other folks made their way to that ER that morning with back, spine, hip and arm fractures.


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