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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The "Best Memorial Day Ever" and a Great Peach Tart Recipe

My sister-in-law, Dawn, told me today that the Memorial Day we celebrated together yesterday was "the best ever," and I agreed completely.  

It started with some amazing weather.  High winds, lots of rain and temps in the low 60's were forecast and you know we'll take any rain around here that we can get, but still....who wants a gloomy, wet, windy and cold holiday that kicks off the summer?  So when I awoke to beautiful sunny skies and just a gentle breeze I was very pleasantly surprised.  Yes, it was still cool but I could deal with that.  The good weather held through the day and put me and, it seemed, everyone else, in a great mood.  

The main event for the morning was the annual Bolder Boulder race.  It was cancelled the past two years due to Covid and although Boulder's Covid rates have recently been deemed "high," the race had been planned and was definitely still on.  

I love this event. Partly a serious race and partly a big community-wide block party it's known for being really fun.  Runners and walkers of all ages often participate in friend and family groups and wear costumes and just have a good time as they travel the 6.2 miles through Boulder's northern neighborhoods, through the downtown streets, and finally up the hill into the CU Stadium where they are greeted by the roar of the crowd as the finish the course.  I usually participate as one of the many  spectators who cheer on the racers and this year Dawn was going to watch with me.  

Here's a little collage of a few scenes, all taken by Daily Camera photographers.     

Dawn and I walked along the course for 2.5 miles, watching the fun and enjoying the many bands that play along the route.  I especially enjoy cheering and clapping for the wide diversity of participants which include little kids, oldsters, and people with obvious physical challenges.  They are all welcome in the Citizens Race, which is distinquished  from the Professional Race, which follows immediately after the Citizens Race is over.  

Here is the scene just before the last racers turned right to head up a hill to the back of the stadium. The left side of the road has been cleared for the professional runners who will soon run the course.  

As Dawn and I waited for the professional teams, I noticed two police officers on their motorcycles who would ride as the point people for the professional runners.   I was struck by the sign on the side of the motorcycle. 

It's the "in memorium" graphic that was created immediately after the mass shooting at our local supermarket on March 22, 2021, when ten people were killed, including Officer Eric Talley.  It's a reminder of the long lasting effect on a community which experiences such a tragedy.    

Dawn and I made our way up a hill to the front of the stadium just in time to watch the last citizen come in and then the professionals race in to the roar of the crowd.  

As you might imagine many Boulderites follow professional running closely and cheered and applauded wildly as the professionals came across the finish line.  Many of the professionals were from other countries, including two female runners from Ukraine.  As the first Ukrainian ran into the stadium she grabbed up a Ukrainian flag and waved it high over her head as she ran her final lap and crossed the finish line.  The noise of the crowd was deafening. This photo from the Daily Camera shows her with her team mate.   You can see the size of the crowd in the background.  

Once the race was over there was a short but moving Memorial Day remembrance which featured a color guard,  a bugle playing of taps, a 21-gun salute, the induction of about 20-some new military enlistees and honored three local World War II veterans. 

It had been a great morning and now it was time to walk across campus and back to my house.  Dawn's husband John and her two sons met us and Paul also arrived so all of us were there.  It's rare that the three cousins get together so that was a treat. Everyone mostly stayed off their phones and we had a very pleasant family visit while eating Muffalettas from Goldbelly.  Dawn had made a peach tart that was so good that Ben and I thought it rivalled the Triple Berry Pie that I made last week for Ben's birthday.   And Dawn reported that it was remarkably easy to make.  You can find the recipe at and here's a link.  It only calls for three peaches but Dawn used more.  When I make it I'm going to cut the sugar back a bit.  And I will make it!

All in all, it was a great day! 

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