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Monday, September 26, 2022

Someone broke their arm!

I broke my arm yesterday, the result of a slip in a bit of mud at the end of a driveway just a few blocks from home.  I landed smack on my upper arm, leaving a big purple bruise that looks like a squashed eggplant and a break all the way across.  Stunned, I sat in the mud for a while marveling at the pain while Turbo sat patiently at my side.  My Apple watch began squawking that it had detected a fall and did I want emergency assistance? I painfully managed to shut off the alarm and turn down the offer.  

 I tried to call Ben but didn't reach him.  After a bit, a neighbor spotted me sitting in the alley and called out, "Are you all right?"  No, I certainly was not!  Ben arrived and helped hoist me up and drive me off to Urgent Care where x rays were taken and a preliminary diagnosis of a dislocated shoulder and a fracture determined.  Then we were off to the ER to get it reset, but more detailed x rays resulted in a final diagnosis of a break across the upper arm, the "kind of fracture which requires a very long recovery,." When the doctor asked if I'd like some painkillers I said "You bet!  Ah, the magic of a little morphine. 

It looks like I have two weeks of doing nothing ahead of me except a visit to the followup orthopedic surgeon and wincing in pain off and on during the day.  Then four weeks of mostly doing nothing except a couple of simple movements at home. and then many months of physical therapy.  I asked when I might ride my e bike again I was the cryptically told, "It will be quite awhile."
Excuse me while I go scream! 

Ok, ok, it could be worse.  The fall whacked my left arm, not my right.  All my fingers are still working.  I didn't bang my head.  I have my sweet Ben to help me.  I can still walk.  We had to  cancel our biking and  hiking trip trip next weekend to Aspen but our trip to Hawaii next month will probably be a "go," though at a much slower pace.  Still, it's going to be a long road.  

Good thing I was able to get a few thing accomplished before the accident.

I saw a big mama bear and her two cubs up in a neighbor's tree, which was very cool.

Ben and I spent the weekend in Denver to enjoy the sights and see Hadestown.

I was able to attend my brother-in-law's funeral and celebrate his love of his many children, grand- and great-grand-children, his devotion to wife (my sister Jean) his faith and his love of live.  It was a warm and loving service and I was able see many family members. including my three siblings. Dave had several years of hard trials, including dementia.  While he will be greatly missed, we were all glad he was released from his suffering.  

While I was back in the east I had a bit of time to spend on the water, always a treat for us westerners. 

It happened that Dave died a few days before Jean and I and our long-time friend Janice were going to meet at Rehoboth beach for a few days.  The funeral was Friday and our vacation started Monday, and since the beach is Jean's "happy place," and she certainly needed a little vacation, she decided to go.  We had a wonderful time.

Life certainly brings both pleasure and pain.  

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