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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 26: The Trials of Tomato Growing

My neighbor sent me this text today:

Just want you to know that we had your tomato last night for supper—and it was delish and the best tomato we have had all season including those expensive farmers market ones.  Thanks”😍

I was tickled to get it as we've had one of those bad growing seasons in our garden, with months of rain and no sun.  Rain is almost always welcome in these dry parts, but tomatoes need lots of sun and they just didn’t get it.  As a result our successes have few. 

But they have been delicious.  

Ben and I had two tomatoes that we sliced up for wonderful BLTs and there are two slowly ripening up now.  In addition, I eat about 4 cherry tomatoes every day straight from the vines. 

Such a small yield has been a disappointment, but at least what we harvested tasted yummy.  

Maybe next year will be better.  Hope springs eternal!


  1. Glad you're back .... enjoying your short looks at your day. My tomatoes are much too small but tasty .... Sue on the western slope....perfect days for hikes in the changing aspens.

    1. Just found your comment, Sue; don't know why Blogger didn't let me know you had written but I sure did smile. when I ready your note!

  2. Mary, it’s good to have you back. I’ve missed reading your blog and happy to hear you are doing well. Dianne

  3. Thanks, Diane! Sorry to be so late to respond but Blogger fell down on the job of notifying me that you had written. It does help to remember that Blogger is free!


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