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Sunday, October 15, 2023

October 14: Gasping Out Loud

This book cover is one of the goofiest that I've seen in my long life as a reader. I can't remember why I added the audio version of this book to my Audible collection. I do know that from the start I had found this cover quite irritating and left downloading it for listening until I was out of options and had no Audible credits left.  

But from the start the twangy Southern voices captured my attention. The story was certainly original enough --an "out of options" woman is hired to take care of twins who burst into flames when they become upset-- and I got into it.  

But the other day when I was strolling with Turbo in the quiet cemetery down the block the story took such an unexpected turn that I gasped out loud, a reaction which was followed by my shouting out loud "No, no, you gotta be kidding me!" and similar exclamations for several minutes until the event being described came to a conclusion and I was left hanging but still talking to myself,  "What??? What?? Now what?" 

What surprised me about this was not so much the book but me!  I think this is the first time I've ever reacted in this way to something written, that I was either reading or listening to.  A movie? Yes. A book? No.  

And now I'm wondering what other surprises are waiting to come out of me. Well, it just goes to show you should never say never.  

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