Monday, December 11, 2023

December 10: A Weekend in Denver

We went to Denver this weekend with Ben's brother, John, and his wife Dawn, spending two nights enjoying the city's holiday lights, good food, and entertainment. We stayed at the Crawford Hotel in Union Station, which was great fun as it is quite the holiday hub, filled with "private events," i.e, holiday parties, and plenty of good restaurants both inside and nearby the station.  This is still a working railroad and bus station, and there was plenty of activity.  

I was quite taken with how the holiday themed projections onto the building regularly changed every few minutes.  

Here's another nearby building which featured holiday projections, this one with snowflakes and an elf. 

And we didn't see this one, the City and County Building, but clearly we need to next year! 

I do love holiday lights and my heart was warmed last week when Paul suggested that he and I do a tour of holiday lights on Christmas Eve.  Ah, bliss! 

Well, it was a good weekend, complete with a good meal eat the Water Grill. Here I am relaxing after dinner...

...and here's Dawn at our champaign tasting at Corridor 44. 

Not to mention seeing Six at the Denver Performing Arts Center. This wild romp of Henry the Eighth's six wives was a real eye opener to me as it was my first "pop musical." Very loud, very fast, very...different!  Dawn and I both agree that we enjoyed the new experience even if we didn't understand what was going on for about half of the show! Different can be good, especially if it leads one to do more exploring and study afterwards.  I found the whole soundtrack on Spotify and am now busy listening and learning.  Should have done it before I saw the musical, yes!, but better late then never, right?  

Our rooms overlooked the main hall of Union Station and seeing all the lights and sights and activity put me in the holiday mood for sure.  I'm ready, Christmas, bring it on!

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