See My Quilts Here

Saturday, February 3, 2024

February 3: We're Not in Hawaii Anymore!

We've had a couple of days of pretty weather, but the forecast predicted rain today, switching to snow tonight.  Maybe 1-3" of snow; no big deal.  Well, that rain started about 10:00 and by noon it was snowing heavily and the grey sky was obscuring our views of the mountains and the Flatirons.  

I spotted this on Threads, from a local meteorologist: 

Ben has been out all day so I bundled up and took the dogs out while I shoveled their path down the patio and out to the yard and then made a first pass at the front and side walk.  As I expected, it was heavy, wet snow, what we call "concrete snow."  It was not only hard to shovel but it was coming down so fast and thick that the bare shoveled sidewalk was quickly recovered. 

We expect about another six hours of this stuff, so shoveling tomorrow is going to be a hard and tiring business.  Paul nicely called to see if he should come over and help now and we told him no, wait a day.   We're doing Ray & Paula's place, too, so we'll get plenty of exercise tomorrow. 

It is pretty. 

And following our snow day traditions, we have a special dinner planned for tonight and a "snow morning" breakfast planned for tomorrow morning. 

Speaking of which, Gus is giving me quite a look!  I can almost hear him thinking, "Hey, didn't they tell you that I always have dinner at 3:30???"   

Okay, buddy.  I get the message.  Ben just came in from shoveling and said, "You can kind of tell you shoveled!" 

The power has clicked on and off twice as I've typed this.  It usually holds in this sort of storm, and I hope tonight will be no exception.  It sure would be a good night to watch the next episode of Fargo.

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