Several times a day for the past several days Paul has asked me "Can you wait for Christmas, Mom?" and I answer "It sure is hard to wait" but honestly, I feel like it's Christmas already. I'm not doing anything else to "get ready" -- no more decorations or baking or shopping. I'm taking the easy road and enjoying what I've already done. If I happen to do more because it's fun, well, that's great, and, if not, that's great, too. We've already had the first round of visits from family and friends; our house is already full of wonderful food and drink; there are presents under the tree; I have this great new computer to play with; there's beautiful white snow outside which is perfect for sledding and making forts; and yesterday Ben was home all day. What more could a person want?
Can I wait for Christmas? I don't have to; it's already underway for me.
Part of Christmas is giving to those who need our help. Ben & I have done that in several ways, but it's been hard to get Paul involved. Giving money means little to him and giving toys is very hard for him since he wants everything himself. Yes, I know he should be selfless, but he isn't there yet. Finally he and I came up with the perfect solution. He'd act as the expert in picking out several toys to give to kids both older and younger than himself. That way he'd help in giving toys to kids who need them but wouldn't have to give away toys he desperately wanted himself. Maybe next year we'll get to that step. But meanwhile, this plan worked well this year and we were able to buy several great toys, donate them to Toys for Tots, and feel really good about it.
Giving is difficult for younger folks. Emphasize that there will be enough to give something for others who are less fortunate. You can always note that from those that have much, much is required.