It's always fun to play cards with Grandma. Today she taught me and Paul a new game, one I'd never seen before. You scramble all the cards into a big pile and then make a "tent" out of two cards and position it on top of the pile. Each player in turn then slides out a card or cards from the pile without toppling the tent. When the tent does topple, the person who has pulled out the most cards wins. Simple? Yes. Easy? No. Fun? Absolutely, at least when you play with Grandma and Paul.
Playing with the cards reminded me to pack a deck to take along for our big vacation which begins tonight. While we'll be taking the portable DVD player, the IPad, the ITouch, and two DS devices to keep us entertained, I was glad for the reminder that a good old-fashioned game of cards is not only a lot of fun but is a great way to connect with people, which is part of what a family vacation is all about.
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