Monday, July 19, 2010

My Guy

I managed to let Ben's birthday, Father's Day, and our anniversary go by without a single word about my wonderful guy. But when he showed me this photograph, I knew I had to share it.

It was taken in the Shawangunk Mountains near New Paltz, New York, a well-known rock climbing area. Ben is at the top of a climb called Disneyland; rock climbers come up with pretty cool names for their climbs! He is sitting at the top, tied in with a rope while he belays, or manages the rope, for the next person coming up the climb.

Doesn't he look great? So fit, so relaxed, so happy. He is in his element. He's been climbing since he was about fourteen, and he's pretty darn good at it. Through the years there have been times when he has stopped climbing for a while, when he's been busy with work or school or gotten out of shape. But he's always made his way back to his passion.

Ben's love of rock climbing has been an inspiration to me, giving me an example of how to respect my own goals, stay on track, and do what has to be done to reach them. We make a great team as parents, helping each other find time to do the things that are just for us, those things that energize us and make us happy, apart from the joy we find in loving each other and parenting Paul.

So, to my guy, Happy Birthday, Happy Father's Day, and Happy Anniversary!


1 comment:

  1. Ah shucks - isn't my face red. What a great present. Thanks, Love.



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