Tuesday, March 13, 2012

On My Way to Work

Our spell of warm weather is continuing, with several 70+ degree days. At this very minute, Paul reports, it is 83 degrees! This beautiful interval suits me fine as I'm doing a lot of working at home while the school library is being used by the Book Fair this week. The timing is good since I'm working with software to create the 8th Grade section of the school yearbook. They are graduating and there's a special "memory book" within the yearbook for them. This is our first year using this software, and it's nice to have the uninterrupted time at home to focus on it.

On the other hand, the timing is bad since I have a brand new camera --a Canon S100-- that I'm dying to try out. My S90 was lost or stolen on our trip to New York City in December and I've mourned its loss. My sweet Ben surprised me with this new replacement on Monday and yesterday I succumbed to taking a few photos on my way to work.

Here's what I saw through the lens of my new camera.

The porch freshly pressured washed and ready for the work crew to stain it...

...and the porch furniture sitting on the lawn until the staining is done.

Pretty clumps of daffodils around the yard...

...and in the house.

Evidence of Paul's work...
...and his play.

Evidence of family time, both cozy....

...and more lively.

All of which led me right to my day's work.

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, loved working on the yearbook at your house yesterday! Thank you for having me over! And of course I LOVE your house! So neat to see it in person! Please come over to see our pond this spring - I loved hearing yours outside the open window! Can't wait until ours is running this spring!


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