Monday, December 14, 2015

Around Here

We had a nice little storm on Saturday which left us with about three inches of pretty snow on the trees and nothing much on the streets, which is a nearly perfect type of snow for mid-December, in my opinion.   Just enough to make the weekend activities more festive but not enough to curtail them.

It's supposed to snow again tomorrow, another little storm with up to three inches.  

Not everyone is happy to see it snow.

Paul's music teacher had planned a recital at a local nursing home for Saturday afternoon so we ventured out in the Subaru and tried out its new snow tires.  They performed really well, as did Paul.

I was happy that he choose to participate in this recital and "give back" a little.   

During the week I finished up the "snow globe" Christmas cards I was making for my brothers and sister and for the music teachers at Paul's school.  

That was a lot of fun but I was glad to get them done since I was eager to move ahead in quilting my Zig Zag Christmas quilt.   I don't want the holiday to go by without finishing it.

Last January I packed up all the Christmas decorations and put them into the shed, which backs up to our neighbor's house.   It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I didn't figure on how it could snow just when I wanted to get out the boxes out of there and into our house.  I made one trip last week but didn't find everything I wanted.  So today I put on my coat and boots and ventured out again.  

It was worth the trouble.  I found two things I really love displaying at Christmas,  my Santa Claus collection....

...and the nutcrackers.  Let the season begin!

In January I'm going to schedule some quiet time.  I think I'll just hang out with Spikey for a while. 

Looks like a good thing to me.


  1. IMHO Paul looks so much more handsome with his hair combed like that. We got rain uglier than snow. LeeAnna

  2. I enjoyed looking at your Santa collection. I can't imagine all that snow! Yikes! So Paul plays the bari sax! Very cool!


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