Now about those table runners.
About ten years ago I made a beached themed table runner. I didn't think it needed any quilting so I just bound the edges and called it a day. But this year I've challenged myself to practise machine quilting and when I came across this runner in my collection I immediately decided that now was the time to quilt it. (This photo is a bit askew; the edges are, indeed, nice and straight.) When I found out that Kate, our friend's daughter, loved flip flops I made a big push to finish the quilting last weekend so our friends could be hand carry it to Hong Kong, where Kate lives now, when they fly there on Saturday for a visit.
You can see that I tried several different quilting designs.

At the same time I wanted to finish another runner I had started at the retreat so I could use it on Easter. So that was another big push.
And well worth it, I think, since it looks so nice and spring-like on the living room coffee table.
I liked how the quilting turned out, especially the "figure eight" stitching on the blue fabric.
One table runner sent off for someone else to enjoy and one for me to keep --the best of both worlds. I love knowing something I made is with someone I care about. But it's also nice to hang on to some special pieces for myself.
really nice quilting on both. I like the figure 8. LA