Monday, July 29, 2019


We were in Paris from July 4 to 10, in between the two big heat waves that raised temperatures in that city to 101 degrees (first wave) and 108 (second).  It was plenty hot in low to mid 90's while we were there but we were grateful it wasn't hotter and had a wonderful time.  Ben and I had been in Paris a few days in 2012 with two 12-year-old boys, so this was our first time "just us," and we did all kinds of fun things that adults like.  We went to four museums, ate dinner late (the sun didn't set until 10:30!), slept late, and walked an average of eight miles a day, just looking at everything --the people, the buildings, the streets, and the ever-present river. 

We hadn't gone up into the Eiffel Tower with the boys since they decided they didn't want to wait in the long lines, so Ben and I decided to go this time.  We "skipped the line" by reserving a spot in the 9:00 evening dinner offered at  58 Tour Eiffel.  Turned out to be a good choice, offering decent French food in an amazing setting.  When the sun set and the city lights glowed, it was a magical thing to see.

We'd been a bit concerned that having several hundred people pour into the dining room for dinner at the same time would feel like a cattle call but that wasn't an issue.  The restaurant managed the crowd well, and we were lucky that the diners near us turned out to be pleasant and friendly.  By the end of the night we chummy enough to think it was great fun to have the waiter snap our picture.  (The constant flow of excellent wine helped, I'm sure!)  

Food was a big part of our visit, and our eating experiences varied widely.  

One of the great pleasures of Paris is the outdoor cafes with their cane back chairs, round tables, and constant parade of people passing by.  We'll miss that! 

Goodbye, Paris, until we see you again! 

Linking to Mosaic Monday at Letting Go of the Bay Leaf. 


  1. Glad you two had a nice time. Lovely mosaics. Happy Monday


  2. Mary - it seems the two of you immersed yourselves in the local culture - truly the best way to visit a city. And well done for taking a chance with a different way to see the Tower - you were rewarded! Love these collages for Mosaic Monday - thanks for linking!

  3. Your lovely smiles tell me what a wonderful vacation you two had, the kind I would want for the Husband and me. :-)

  4. Mary, Your photos of the Eiffel Tower are great! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sylvia D.

  5. oh I love Paris though I have only been there once. Also in summer, so I know what the heat is like. It is an amazing city. Happy travels and thank you for stopping by my blog this week and for your comments.

  6. what a wonderful post... wish I was there. I loved sitting at a cafe on the town center and watching people, not in Paris but in other parts of Europe. How fun to have dinner in a special place and meet fun people at the same time. A moment in time.


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