Early in the week our family was hit by the so-called Grandparent Scam. The way it works is that someone pretending to be a grandchild calls in a panic saying they are in big trouble or have had an accident. They need money and beg Grandma/pa to wire it right away. Of course it's not true, but by the time the grandparent realizes it, the wired money has been picked up and is gone. I'm so happily surrounded by honest and good people, that it's always a shock when I'm faced with the sad truth that, for whatever reason, the world is full of people who wake up every day thinking of how to cheat others.
We were out of school two days due to a bad snow storm, which you'd think would be fun, but wasn't so much. The dreaded freezing rain hit the morning of the first day and then heavy wet snow started to fall about 4:00, causing all sorts of chaos on the area roads. Although he was only a few miles from his home, Ben's brother, Johnny was stuck in his car for over six hours due to traffic gridlock from the slick roads. Bad enough by yourself, but he had his eight-year old sons with him!
We lost our power late that night and a huge branch on one of our big maple trees came down, just missing our neighbor's fence. The next morning Ben went to work and Paul and I enjoyed the heat, light, and fellowship at our friend's house (thanks so much, Lorraine!). I did some errands and swung back by the house in the early afternoon to find the power was back on and the house was beginning to thaw out. While it warmed up, I took Paul and another friend sledding in the park across the street as the afternoon sun set.
Friday there was a two-hour delayed arrival at school, I taught three short classes, and there meetings in the library, so it was a disjointed day.
Yesterday, however, Ben and Paul finished the trebuchet they've been building. Quite a triumph!
Ready, aim, fire!

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