We've been enjoying these pretty ice ornaments hanging on the bush near our front door. Paul and his friend Stephanie made them last week, following directions found on various web sites including
this one.

The kids gathered some holly, small pine branches, and pine cones from the yard while I hunted up the left over cranberries and old oranges from the fridge along with some plastic containers from the cupboard.
They took quite a bit of time placing all the little pieces of green, brown, red, and orange
just so.

After I added the string loops needed to hang the ornaments, they
very precisely poured water into the bowls.

I put them out on the back porch. Despite Paul's watching, it took a good day for everything to freeze solid, making me wonder if
a watched ice ornament never freezes?
I think they are quite pretty and am kind of sorry that they are already starting to melt as we trend up to the mild, 40 degree weather we're expecting this weekend.

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