Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Weekend

I'm running a day behind, since we had Columbus Day off as a holiday. A three day weekend -- what a pleasure, especially since the weather was just about perfect.

We went to the pumpkin patch...

got the Halloween decorations down from the attic and mostly up....

...and had a festive fire out on the patio.

But mostly we moved some of my mother's furniture over from her house, which meant rearranging and removing some of what we already had.

On Saturday we moved over my Dad's big computer desk, consolidating our two desktop computers into one work area, and liberating the dining room table that we had been using for the computer desk. Moving all that equipment and wiring was a big job, and I was pleased that the new computer area works out well.

On Monday we moved the dining room table back into the dining room, moved the old computer desk out of the dining room (and up to Paul's room where it will be used sans computer), along with a chest of drawers and a bookshelf, thereby making way for the set of bookcases we were moving in from my Mom's house.

Now the two side walls are lined with narrow bookcases on one side and the piano on the other, so we can easily pull out the leaf of the dining room table when we have family (or friends) over for dinner.

Whew! That was a lot of work. And it took a lot of emotional energy. While it's sad to walk into my parent's now-empty house, it does feel good to be using some of the things that I grew up with. I remember when they bought these bookcases, way back when I was barely a teenager. And I have lots of memories of both my Mom and Dad sitting at the computer at the desk I now have. It feels good having these things here in my own home, reminding me of them.

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