Thursday, February 13, 2014

Scenes from a Snow Day

We woke up to six and a half inches of wet snow, just perfect for a boy who wanted to ice his back outside.  Have I told you that Paul's back has been bothering him and that he's now going to P.T. two times a week?  Well, it is and he does, and icing his back has become very familiar to him.  But not on this scale!  

Paul just walked by to see what I was writing and tells me that he was "chillaxing." 

And yes, we did wrap his cast up in plastic bags before he went out in all that wet snow. 

Half the fun of a snow day is eating comfort food.  Paul had pancakes for lunch ….

…Ben and I had chili (surprisingly good made with a touch of coffee, beer, and cocoa powder)...

…and right now we are enjoying a fabulous bottle of Italian red wine.

This indulgence is after a day of hard work getting the house ready to put on the market in a few weeks.  The main task of the day was dressing up the second floor doors which were in great need of speckling, sanding, painting, and generally spiffing up.

It sleeted all afternoon which was rather unpleasant, but now it is snowing fast and hard, with another two to four inches predicted before midnight.  We have the shed light on so we can see it come down and amuse ourselves by trying to capture the beauty of it in photographs.

This one was taken with my Canon S120 on auto.

This was taken with Ben's Nikon D800 with an 85mm lens on auto. 

Looks like it'll be another snow day tomorrow.  All the schools are closed, though we haven't heard from the governments yet.  

Oh shoot, the power just went out. 

Yeah, it came on again within a minute! That's good; we'd been planning to watch Casablanca this evening. 

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