Monday, November 26, 2018

On the Camera

The big Thanksgiving weekend is all over and it will be December on Saturday.  The Flagstaff Star, a sure sign of the holiday season here in Boulder, has been lit and is shining brightly every night, the city streets are ablaze with red, green, silver, and gold lights, and we now wear gloves and carry the ice-taming crampons when we go our on the trails. 

We cooked a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner which we shared with the family of Ben's climbing friend, Kent.   We "spatchcocked" it, meaning that it lay flat in the roasting pan.  Very delicious though hard to carve.  Ate leftovers for lunch on Friday (hmm!) and then put the remaining turkey, stuffing, and gravy in a big pot of water and made a flavorful stock which I used to make a terrific turkey gumbo.  

We did a lot of hiking over the holiday but that didn't keep me from gaining a few pounds.  Good thing that getting out has other wonderful benefits, like simply enjoying this beautiful world!

Ben and I took the time to watch Bodyguard on Netflix and really liked it.  We'd been warned that it was addictingly suspenseful with a complicated plot, so we weren't too surprised to find ourselves binging on the last two episodes well into the wee hours one night.  This unusual behaviour on our part startled Paul, who was very surprised to see us up so late.   

And I zipped through Ken The Modigliani Scandal, a fun and clever story featuring lost art.   

I didn't take too many photos during this busy time but one morning I took several close-up shots while we were trying to put "Ad Blue" in my diesel VW and then played around with them in Photo Shop.  I liked this one a lot. 

I also liked this shot which I took when we were out for an evening in Denver.  

And Fetcher continues to be a ready subject, doing cute things like jumping three feet up into the closet where I keep some fabric.   

Well, before we know it 2019 will be here.  I don't make New Year's resolutions but I do think about what the new year may hold and what I'd like to accomplish. 

As part of that thinking I took some time to make this collage showing the Outreach quilts I made in 2018.   I just quilted the pink and black one, which is part of the "Pink quilt" work that the Longmont Quilt Guild does for cancer patients.  But I made the other three from start to finish.  They went to the Boulder guild to contribute to Blue Sky Bridge and Quilts for Kids.   I aim to make four quilts each year for Outreach.  It's not hard; what's hard is to stop making them and do the harder projects that I also have in mind.

Speaking of quilts, I saw this interesting bracelet at a recent guild meeting.  Seems like a good thought to keep in mind as the new year approaches.   

I'm off to get an early morning allergy shot, the fifth in a series that will take about six months to finish.  I think it's helping already, but we'll see.  Later we'll do Meals on Wheels and I want to browse through the Cyber Monday sales just for fun.  Ben already bought us a sound bar for our TV which has really improved our watching experience.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting photos, Mary. That artistic side of you is also developing nicely, like your wonderful quilts!


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