It’s been two weeks since I’ve posted and what amazing weeks they’ve been. Along with the whole country Ben and I have followed the news reports of the world-wide protests generated by the abuse of police authority that resulted in the death of George Floyd. A lot of our time has been spent trying to keep abreast of and understand the political fallout it has brought. We support efforts to move our community and country down the path towards equality for all, and we’ve watched the latest current events with great interest and hope for a better future.
But this blog is about the pleasures of my daily life and the big news on the homefront is about our wonderful puppy Turbo, also know as Mr. T, or Turbilicious or Big Boy. He turns 11 months tomorrow and I want to share with you a milestone he reached at 10 months.
From the time Turbo joined our family he has slept in a crate right next to our bed. This is partly because Sheba the cat has first dibs on sleeping with us and we just don't have a big enough bed for two adults and two animals. And Sheba likes to wander around the house at night so the bedroom door must stay open. As a pup Turbo can't be trusted to stay off the bed or to stay in our room while that door is open. So he goes into the crate every night and he seems to like it there.
When he was a young puppy we had to rush him outside in the morning to go potty as soon as he awoke. But one morning early in May we decided to see what would happen it we let him visit with us bit before taking him outside. Much to our surprise he showed us that he was perfectly able to "hold it" for 30-50 minutes after waking up. So now he is invited up on our bed to snuggle every morning.
The current routine is that he immediately jumps up onto the bed, wriggles all over with happiness, gives us lots of puppy kisses and ignores Sheba. It's a cozy family time that we all enjoy, except maybe Sheba who probably just tolerates it.
Which he does. I think he likes the extra space when I'm not in the bed!
Sometimes Mom takes a long time to get ready so he stretches out on his back, belly up, which is a classic Doodle dog pose.
Sometimes Sheba decides to jump off the bed and try to cross the room, and then there is trouble since Turbo seems to think that movement is from a squirrel who he is duty bound to chase.
But mostly he just rests patiently while I shower and dress and then we head downstairs together to start our day while Ben gets himself pulled together.
It's a pretty sweet way to start the day!

Turbo is always such a cutie! Looks like a good life.