It's a pretty morning here. Later in the day it will be hot, but at 9:00 AM it's nice and cool. Apparently we had a heavy rain last night, though we slept through it even with the windows all open. That's our weather pattern right now; cool mornings, hot afternoons, thunderstorms building up during the day, often followed by rain and sometimes hail in the afternoons and evenings, though sometimes there's just a "big blow," which is quite dramatic even without rain and hail.
All the rain is great for the garden. The dahlias are finally up and growing fast, the marigolds, zinnias and cosmos are blooming, and our cucumber plant (contained in a pot on the patio) has a flower!
We had a fun 4th of July weekend, with a series of dinners both here and out. That Handsome Dog Gus came to dinner with his guardians on a night that threatened rain and heat so we ate inside in the air conditioning. With seven people in the house and two dogs messing around with each other, things got a bit tight occasionally and we sent the dogs outside a few times. Here they are waiting in the heat to come back in. Don't worry; I can assure you they had a great evening!
Right before the big weekend Ben & I went to Corrida to celebrate our 43rd anniversary, and that was a fun and delicious night. After dinner we headed out to Corrida's beautiful rooftop patio to enjoy the cool night air.
Everything is opened up here in Boulder to the point that masks are only required in a few places and my quilt guilds are starting to plan in person meetings again. I'm evaluating how many of these meetings I really want to go to nowadays, realizing that I've quite enjoyed having that time to sew at home. I'm still making scrap blocks and charity quilts and have this exuberant sunflower piece underway. It's currently about 24 x 40" but I think it may end up a bit bigger, as I'm pretty sure I'm going to add some flowers along the bottom.
And Paul and I have a little project as well, making a cushion for the window bench in his new apartment. We're off to a good start, having found this nice grey fabric yesterday as well as a good piece of foam which we covered with batting. Today Paul is coming here to cut out the pieces. It'll be an interesting journey since neither of us have done this kind of thing before. Thank heavens for Youtube videos!
I took this photo yesterday in nearby Niwot after my SIL, Dawn, and I finished a three mile hike around the town. It's a mighty cute photo, but I have to ask you: Does Dawn look like she just finished a three mile hike, half of which was uphill in the hot sun? It amazes me how fresh she always looks, when I'm dripping with sweat and have wet hair!

And here's Turbo, having his first taste of an ice cream cone. I think he was thinking, "Hey, you guys eat this good stuff all the time?"

The sunflower quilt is really nifty!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a perfect day. I like how those sunflowers are looking!