Around here.....
It's been raining!!! This is a very good thing. I don't have Boulder's numbers, but Denver got 0.88" Sunday night into this morning, more than 0.06" it received all of April. Not only has it not rained the past month, but it hasn't snowed either. This is spooky, since April is usually one of our snowiest months. So we are glad to see the rain last night and this morning, even though we're only predicted to get a few showers off and on the next couple of days. Oh, and even better is that Ben and I made a big push to get the dahlia tubers planted, the roses fertilized, and at least some mulching done before the rain came.
Around here.....
I got my fourth vaccine last Thursday morning and felt so well that afternoon that I did a long ride on my E-bike. I wasn't so lucky on Friday and woke up with an achy body and head. I slept a lot during the day but was well enough to enjoy dinner at Ray and Paula's (homemade pasta Carbonara; yum!)
The vaccine must have really kicked in by Saturday because I woke to find that my fingers were very swollen and I was out of breath everytime I moved. If I sat down and didn't move I was okay but whenever I got up and walked around I felt light-headed, breathed heavily, and had to stop and catch my breath. I made the short walk with Turbo to the cemetery so he could sniff around, but I had to sit down there several times to catch my breath. Not breathing normally was scary! I took readings of my oxygen level and pulse, and was relieved to find they were normal. My blood pressure, however was surprisingly high. Not "go to the ER now" high, but still much higher than usual. I decided that if things weren't better by Monday I'd call my doctor. It was a good day to read and then watch the next few episodes of Amazon Prime's gripping series, "Line of Duty," with Ben and Turbo.
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Chappatte/Globe cartoon |
Sunday morning I took an at-home Covid test to be sure I hadn't somehow managed to catch the virus just as I was getting another booster, and it came back negative. My breathing was a bit better and I was sick of not doing anything so I slowly puttered around doing a little pre-rain weeding and other light gardening. And somewhere in the middle of working outside I realized that I was able to breathe normally again. Wow and great! We decided to take Turbo over to Dry Creek, an off-leash 3-mile loop trail which is nice and flat and see how I did. My breathing remained normal and I felt great walking after two days of just lazing around. Sure glad that reaction passed by quickly! The only good thing about it was that it gave me more empathy for people who are sick, and especially those who can't breathe easily.
Around here.....
I've been sewing. Made a big push to finish an art piece I've had underway for a few weeks and plan to get a post up about it in another day or two. Here's a sneak peek of work in progress.
Around here.....
It's CU graduation this Saturday with 9,000 students receiving their diplomas. That's a lot of happy graduates and their parents in town, which makes for some excitement. I do love seeing the high-spirited students getting photos taken in their graduation finery up in the park; it's so cute to watch. This photo is from last year and one of my favorites.
Around here.....
It's spring! Usually our spring flowers get snow-covered in the late April and early May snow storms, but none have been or are on tap for this year, so we get to just enjoy the lovely displays of blooming flowers and trees. Here's a few pretty images for your viewing pleasure!
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