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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Back in the Saddle: Five Months in Five Photographs

It's been a fast few months and here we are in March already.  My main activity these past months has been doing PT for my broken arm.  Can you see the rope that I'm using to pull my arm up the middle of my back? I used ropes, pulleys, and rods to get that sucker moving up my back and it worked!  I can now hoist it up without any devices to help, yippee!  Having gotten some range of motion back we're woking with weights to build up some strength in my shoulder muscles with the aim of my getting both my arms up over my head.  The right arm gets an A+ for this but the left arm is a slow learner.  But it is slowly improving and I have high hopes of building enough strength to be able to wave that arm around whenever I want and without pain.     

December and January were cold, snowy and icy months and the sidewalks were often treacherous.  Walking in the snow packed trails in the park was much easier and often very pretty. A dog must be walked, no matter the weather or a broken arm!

I wasn't able to sew much until just recently but I did have two pieces in an exhibit at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum, and that was very exciting.  

And I made two trips to Maui, which was amazing.  In November Ben and I traveled with our good friends Ray and Paula and spent ten days in Paia and Lahaina, which was great fun.  And then last month my sister and our friend Janice spent a week in Napili watching whales and relaxing in the beautiful Hawaiian scenery.  It was wicked making two trips in just a few months but it sure lifted my spirits! 

Right this minute it is snowing lightly here but yesterday it was warm and sunny and I spotted the first crocuses of the season.  Welcome Spring!

Happily I've found that I can sew now mostly without pain and did I tell you that I can drive now also?  These are two game changers and I'm feeling much more my old self.  

The big news here on the blog is that I figured out how people can be easily notified by email when I have put up a new blog posting.  Just look for the box in the upper right corner of the blog home page that says  "Get new posts by email" and submit your information.  It just worked for Ben so I hope it works for you, too.   


  1. Replies
    1. That comment was from my DH Ben who has been so instrumental in getting me through this arm thing. Without him, how would I have gotten dressed everyday? (Mary)

  2. So good to see you once again.! What a long haul with the arm. I look forward to your views of one of my favorite places in CO. Sue in Montrose..... (and, I actually wrote on my blog again.)

    1. I saw that! Welcome back yourself! (Mary)

  3. Hey, welcome back! Good to see you blogging again. As I have arthritis in my shoulder, I am no stranger to PT. In fact, I have turned my sewing studio int a PT room. And I cannot lift my arm behind my back as well as you! Keep on keeping on, Mary!

  4. Oh, Rian, I'm both sad and glad to hear about you "not perfect" arm! One can live quite nicely without an A+ functioning arm, and that's good for me to know, though I'm not there yet. Sent you an email; glad to hear from you.

  5. Good to see you posting again! Sure enjoyed going to Maui with you in February! Oops, now I'm not anonymous anymore! Love You!

  6. Mary. Good to see you back and making progress, slow, but sure. I found you while reading Rian’s blog. Miss your blog too, Rian.
    Take good care and happy Spring.


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