See My Quilts Here

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Welcome April!

We had some nice weather the past few days and it's been refreshing to enjoy temps in the high 60's and nothing on the ground to make walking challenging.  

It has been quite windy, but unless you were caught in this portapotty which blew over in a gust, you did okay. 

photo by Kylie Bearse, NWS

There's been much snowfall up in the mountains, which have made skiers happy and gave us at the lower elevations some lovely views of the snow topped peaks. 

Snow was predicted for last night into this morning...

...and when I awoke I was pleased to find a winter wonderland outside.  I'm writing this about noon on Tuesday and it looks like we have about three inches outside with another inch expected by night.   This is the view from our door; baby, it's cold out there!

Well, let's see; besides our every-changing weather, what's been going on around here lately?

I went with a friend to see the Boulder High School's production of Mary Poppins, which was excellent.  Paul was hired as an adult assistant to work on this, and taught a crew of students how to use the brand new sound board.  He always saves us front row seats, which is a nice perk!

 Ben and I braved the wind and took Turbo to the Louisville dog park which is across the street from the big housing area destroyed in the Marshall Fire on December 30, 2021, and I was excited to see the rebuilding had finally gotten underway. 

We bought a new microwave which doesn't sound like a big deal, but was since it resulted in moving all our small appliances around and generally reorganizing things in our small but powerful kitchen.  I won't bore you with all the details but we ended up with all the appliances in more convenient spots and with less crowded countertops.   At the same time our very old but wonderful coffee maker died and we bought a new one which fits right into the new plan and stream lined look. 

Did you notice the two little racks on either side of the stove?  It's such a handy little thing that I thought you might like to know about it.  Its available here on Amazon in case you're interested.   

We have two traditions when snow days are predicted.  First, we sleep in....

and second I often make overnight cinnamon rolls to enjoy in the morning and to give to neighbors.  

I've enjoyed mine while checking up on the progress of Trump's arrest in NYC.  What an age we live in!
Besides distributing cinnamon rolls I have just two things on my "to do" list today: doing my PT and washing and drying this scrap quilt that I recently finished. 

It's cute, isn't it?  It's Timna Tarr's "Strip Sandwich" pattern.  I'm fascinated by how different it looks depending on what fabrics you chose.   Look at how different it is from this one which I made from hand-dyed solid fabrics. 

Before I go, I have to include this fun photo I took the other night when Ben and I walked downtown to have dinner at The Kitchen.  Those are orange slices that the bar tender is dissicating to use as garnishes in cocktails. 

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