We dug up about half of the vines near the front of the house.

Once they were gone we moved the big pots of herbs that had been sitting on the driveway into the empty space and built a little temporary stone wall. This utilizes this sunny spot really well, while opening up the space near the house and freeing up the driveway. We plan to build a real, though still low, stone wall and fill the space in with a nice rock garden with herbs and flowers. Meanwhile, Ben put down mulch around the pots and it looks great. You'll have to trust me on this since I don't have a picture showing the mulch.

We also moved the hammock to a better spot. It's been out in the pasture, which is not very convenient and means we have to move it whenever we mow out there. We decided to move it to the place where the old sandbox used to be.

We cleaned the area up and moved the hammock there. It's right by the driveway as you come up to the house, and it looks very inviting!

Being so busy with gardening, I didn't actually spend any time in the hammock today. But I did relax this evening by going to the Baysox baseball game with my sister and her husband. It was a good game -- the Baysox won! -- and they had some great fireworks to kick up the holiday weekend.

Great picture of fireworks!