Forty minutes from here, where my sister lives, there is also a lot of snow. In New York City there was a blizzard. Apparently, much of the East Coast was hit hard. But here in the D.C. suburbs, the snow removal crews waited and waited for the big snow.

My dreaming came to a quick halt, however, when I read the project plan the closet designer gave me and saw that the first step would be to "empty the closet." Oh, yes; that little step! Well, maybe some day.
Later Ben and I had lunch at Clyde's and then watched Ghost Writer on our new Apple TV at home.
This morning there was just a half inch of snow on the ground, which covered everything with a pretty layer of white. It's cold and the wind is howling, with a Wind Advisory in effect. Safe and warm in my cozy and quiet home, I think of of those who are struggling to get home safely through the aftermath of the big storm, and hope for their safe return.

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