Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

My sister gave me this cute hat for my 60th birthday, which is today. I told her that I felt I should be wise by now, and she just laughed.

Well, there's still hope; if I live as long as my mother, I have another thirty years, during which I may gain some deep wisdom to share.

Meanwhile, I'm happy enough to just be feeling good and enjoying life. There are so many great things about being sixty.

Having seen so many people die young, I'm grateful to be alive. I didn't have that perspective back when I was thirty.

Having finished school, had a career, and worked hard, I have a financial security which I only dreamed of when I was younger.

Having planned and undertaken four major renovations on our house, I now love coming home and being home.

Having seen the strain that some families experience, I'm grateful that I'm not only speaking to all of my extended family, but actually like them all.

Having seen how the years truly do fly by, I cherish the time I have with Paul, knowing too well that he will soon be grown and out on his own adventures.

Having weathered the storms of marriage, I bask in the calm and sunny times that now mark the love that Ben and I share.

And having seen the toil that aging takes on bodies, I'm finally treating mine with more respect and care.

I'm not doing anything special today. I'll go see my mother, probably go to the pool with Paul and his friend, putter around the house, and play with my birthday present, a Nook Color. What with just being in Boston and about to head to the beach for a long weekend, I'm happy to let the day unfold and enjoy what it brings. Most of my ordinary days are pretty special.

I think I'll wear my birthday hat when I go see my mom. I bet all the eighty and ninety-year-olds there will be envious that I'm so young!

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday! Diana Nyad just said that 60 is the new 40! Attempt something awesome... That doesn't require a shark cage!


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