They've bought the house next door with the idea of fixing it up and living it, enjoying the country life in this little rural pocket of suburban Maryland. It's a good house that fell on some hard times, and Ben and I were thrilled that someone "with vision" had bought it.
Among all the other things the new owners noticed needed fixing was a downed communication wire which stretched across our driveway, across the new owners property, and over to another house about a half acre away. Ben and I had called Verizon several times to report this wire, but had no luck getting it fixed. So imagine my surprise when the Verizon truck pulled up this morning. As the workman fixed the problem he told me that the woman who had called it in worked for Verizon, knew the job required a bucket truck, and got that all arranged. Yeah! It's a great start for good neighbor relations. I think I'll pull the vines out of the our azaleas near their driveway as a "thank you" gesture!
So, here's how the upstairs sewing room looked a few months ago. The white doors on the right open to the closet holding the washer and dryer.
And here's the same view now.
Here's a before view showing a different angle.
This little chair and the ottoman make a relaxing spot to read, use the iPad, or watch TV. I love the glitzy round mirror from Khol's and an airy little table and bright pillow from Pier One, all of which work well with the orange chair from my Mom's house.

My goal was to make a serene retreat while still using the space as a laundry room and general household work room. I'm pretty satisfied with the result.

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