Between the three of us we now own two iPhones, two iTouches, one iPod, one iMac, one MacBook Air, and one iPad.
No, make that two iPads, since I just received the new iPad as an early Mother's Day present from my two boyfriends. Thanks, guys!
It's excessive, I know. But my iPad was old and I really wanted one that would connect to a big screen using the newer VGA/HDMI cables. It does, and it's great! It's a wonderful way to watch Netflix and iTunes shows and movies on a bigger screen since it mirrors that fabulous Retina display.

Understanding and managing all these digital devices takes some time, and since I have some time this week I've devoted some of it to keeping up with our technology. I updated the software on most of our hand-held devices, called the helpful folks at Apple Support to see if I needed to upgrade the operating system on the iMac (I didn't, but I did need to clean up my disc, which they walked me through), figured out how to streamline my iMac toolbar, and downloaded some old cds to iTunes. On my "to do" list for today is figuring out if my iMac has iCloud --I don't think so--and, if not, getting it installed.
As we get new devices Paul usually inherits the older ones, though I've declared the old iPad the "family iPad," which, honestly, it always was. Over the past year Paul has become more interested in listening to "his" music and we increasingly find him wearing earphones. It seemed time to get him a docking station that would also serve as his morning alarm, so he could fall sleep and wake up to music.

So yesterday we went to Best Buy to see what we could find. We found this cool clock radio/docking station for Paul which can either be set to glow your favorite color (green, of course!) or to switch colors. On Paul's "to do" list for today is figuring out how to set the alarm clock.
We also found this portable speaker/docking station which uses batteries or electricity, depending on where you want to use it. I put it in the kitchen so we could listen there or easily take it out to the deck or the patio, and moved the Bose system to my new "woman cave" upstairs.

More on the decoration of this room tomorrow, I hope! Putting the finishing touches on it is also part of the plan for Spring Break.

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