Now that Paul is a mighty eighth grader, he hardly ever comes to see me in the school library. This is a far cry from his first year as a fifth grader, when he ran in several times a day to give me a hug, drop off his papers, tell me what he'd forgotten at home, or just give me a smile. Even as late as last year, I'd see him at least once a day.
But now he is all grown up, living his own life down in the seventh/eighth grade wing where it isn't cool to have anything to do with your mom during the school day.
So I was very surprised yesterday when he popped in at the end of school. He had a big smile, so that was a good sign, and then I realized that he was wearing his brand new school jacket, the one that only 8th graders get to wear, the official sign that the wearer is a member of the class of 2014. Paul had been looking forward to having this jacket ever since the order had been placed, and finally yesterday they were distributed. Paul was excited, and he just had to show me!
I was tickled that I was there to share this auspicious moment.
Check out his expression; his happy smile held back by a bit of haughty pride. Just love it.

I love it! He is so handsome!!! :-) They do love their jackets!!!! They are FINALLY the BIG KIDS!