Saturday, May 19, 2018

Graduation Day

It's official!  Paul has graduated from Boulder High! 

The weather forecast wasn't promising and the skies were dark as folks began to gather for the 8:30 a.m. ceremony on the school's sports field.

As the graduates began their procession, it started to rain. 

And it rained a cold steady rain for the next two hours.

Doesn't it look fun?

But of course it was, since we love Paul and were happy to be there to celebrate his achievements.  It was great having Paul's uncle John, Aunt Dawn, and cousin Michael in the stands with us.

The program unfolded as planned with no concessions to the weather.   The student speakers gave their talks with a few interjections about how their papers were getting wet and the student orchestra  leader was caught on mic saying "But we're all wet and out of tune!"  but speak and play they did.  

By the time the grads began receiving their diplomas it was raining harder than ever and everyone was cold and drenched.  The frozen audience was happy to have a chance to jump up and applaud wildly when kids they knew came across the stage.  

We think this is Paul.  In any case, we were wildly enthusiastic when Paul's name was called even though most of us could only see the umbrellas in front of us.  Until the Lifetouch photographer who was on stage puts up his photos on their website in a couple of weeks, this is the only photo we have of Paul in his cap and gown.     

By the time we got down to the field after the ceremony he had already thrown his hat in the air and it was gone, not to be seen again.  Of course, the rain abated somewhat as soon as the ceremony was over!  (You may wonder why my glasses are shaded when it had been raining so hard.  I can't answer that question, unless it was that they went into shock at seeing a bit of sun again. And Paul doesn't look wet, but he was!) 

Back home everyone changed into warm and dry clothes and we all ate BBQ and pizza and homemade chocolate chip cookies, Paul's favorite.   Despite the wet and cold it was a great time and a morning we'll never forget. 


  1. Everyone will be sure to remember the wet ‘n wild graduation of 2018. Congratulations Paul! (And Mom & Dad too)

  2. Oh my goodness. That last photo of your family is the best. So sorry for all the rain at such an important time! Congrats to you and your son. Momentous occasion for sure.


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