Thursday, August 8, 2019

Birthday Thoughts

Today is my 68th birthday, so it seemed appropriate to have my morning coffee in this clever cup that my friend Lotus gave me for my birthday present.    

"Live in the moment" about sums up how life is for me now days.  

All the big decisions and plans --marriage, career, family-- are made and all the big work associated with implementing them is over.   I can look back and see the trajectory of my life and feel grateful for my good luck and for my ability and willingness to work hard.  

Decisions related to aging and, eventually, dying,  await, but don't have to be tackled right now.   I figure if my luck keeps holding I'll have another ten or fifteen years to do what I what with all this wonderful time.  Retirement is truly a gift and there is never a dull moment.   Really, the only sad thing is knowing that all this delightful free time is going to end someday.  

The joke is that the retirement years consists of three parts: the "go, go" stage, the "slow go" stage, and the "no go" stage.  I'm in the first stage and loving it! 

I got my birthday off to an early start with a dinner out on the patio for some close friends in the neighborhood and the members of my two little art quilting groups.  It was pulled together at the last minute and I don't usually mix my "friend groups,"  but everyone seemed to enjoy each other's company, the weather was great, and we had lots of good food and wine, so what more could a birthday girl ask for?    

Well, what about magazines?  Everyone who wanted to bring a gift was asked to select a current magazine they thought I might enjoy.  That turned out to be a fun idea.  Look at my haul!

Our new kitty, Sheba, decided to give me her own gift.  She's been warming up to us, but last night she suddenly showed up in our bedroom.  Ben was out of town and Sheba made herself at home, keeping me awake by cuddling, snuggling, kneading and licking me.  After I finally got to sleep she tried to sleep on my head!  It was nice of her to show her affection on the eve of my birthday, but laying on my head was just too much.  I had to give her a gentle nudge off.   By morning she was exhausted by all her nocturnal activity and settled down for a nap as I showered and dressed. 

Ben's coming home today and we'll celebrate by going out to dinner with John and Dawn.  I may even have dessert!


  1. Happy Birthday, Mary, and best wishes for many more. Yes, retirement is a gift.

  2. so glad it was happy and you shared it with friends. They look very nice and engaged in living too. Great idea to get magazines! Sheeba likes you now! That's so good.

  3. I feel the same about retirement! I retired in 2018 and it is wonderful! No more alarm clocks and I sip my coffee till Kit


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