Monday, February 10, 2020

"Hawaii Must Have Spoiled You!"

We got back from Maui early last Tuesday morning and it's taken all this time to begin to recoup.  As we flew across the ocean Monday night Boulder was hit by a major snowstorm which left 10-12" of snow.  So we left this...

.... and came home to this. 

It was a bit of a shock!  On top of not sleeping on the red-eye, we were immediately plunged into snow shoveling and de-icing Turbo, in addition to unpacking and generally getting our belongs sorted out after the trip.  In Maui we'd lived the vacation life of sleeping late, doing a lot of reading, laying on the beach, eating wonderful food, etc. etc.   Back at home we had the regular work of daily life while we dealt with the loss of a night's sleep and the extra work caused by a big snowfall.

And it snowed again the end of last week and then again over the weekend and it's going to snow tonight as well.  Now, you know that I like snow, but I liked that beautiful 85 degree sunny Maui weather better!

And then on Friday Turbo went into the vet to be neutered.  While not a huge deal, it certainly was surgery and he came home with difficult instructions to follow, such "no running,"  and "no jumping."  We're doing our best but he is an active little fellow and it's hard to keep him calm.

So I had to laugh when I was texting a friend about whether to go to a concert tonight and I begged off because NOAA is predicting 3-5" of snow starting early this evening and she replied "Hawaii must have spoiled you!"  Indeed it did! 

1 comment:

  1. yes... gentle warm breezes and the sound of surf... vs so. much. snow. glad turbo is recovered.


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