Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 2: Why I'm Smiling Today

I confess to being very upset about the recent Supreme Court rulings, to the point where I see that I need to step back and focus on the many good things that I'm lucky enough to be enjoying in my life.   So here's a few reasons why I'm managing to smile today despite all the distressing political news. 

1.  I feel really good about how I was able to travel to Utah to stay a few days with a good friend when her husband died suddenly two weeks ago.   I think I was able to be of some comfort and help, and that felt good.  I've known her husband since they married almost fifty years ago and his death reminded me again to make the most of the time I have here on earth.  

 2.  I also felt really good about helping my Venezuelan friend find a refurbished bike to replace the one that was recently stolen.  She'd been using it to cart her two young kids around town and was really missing it, so Ben and I took her to Community Cycle which takes donated old bikes and spruces them up for continued use, selling them at reasonable prices.  It was a long shot that they'd have what Rei needed, but they did, so big smiles all around.

3.  And speaking of feeling good, we moved out of our 90 degree weather and are enjoying a spell of beautiful mid-80 days, generally with a welcome mix of sun and clouds.  Our sunsets have been particularly striking. 

  4.  We had a lovely Father's Day, taking a hike with Paul and then driving up the canyon to Nederland for a delicious meal at Cross Cut Pizza, one of our favorite causal places to eat.  Turbo went with us and bounded up the steep hike with exuberance. 

   5.  I'm quite delighted with a little fabric artwork I finished the other day and hung over the fireplace yesterday.   I was inspired by scraps of the purple and green fabric I used in the border, which was left over from another piece I finished about two years ago.  I found it while cleaning up my studio and decided it was too cool not to use in some way.  The purple reminded me of eggplants, so I drew a design with two of them and then created them by collaging other scraps that I had around.  My critique group helped me with ideas for how to quilt it, I added a piece of fuzzy yarn around the edge, and now it's hanging in the living room next to the blooming artichoke piece that I made a while back.  I think they make a good pair!  

6.  And if all that isn't enough, today is gym day!  It's not always easy getting myself to the gym to lift weights, but I'm always happy when it's all over and I'm back home relaxing! 

Taken from Cartoonstock.com

Hope everyone is finding some joy today.  I find it's usually out there if I shift my focus. 

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