Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Being the Adult

On the way home from camp today, I took the scenic drive down Governor Bridge Road, only to find the road flooded out by water overflowing the banks of the Patuxent River after last night's fierce storms.

As I stopped the car to consider whether I should try to ford the floodwaters, the kids immediately jumped out to see for themselves how deep the water was. They thought the water felt wonderfully cool after a hot day at camp and wanted to stay and play in it awhile.

In a rare moment of parental anxiety, however, I suddenly had visions of water snakes and floating broken bottles hiding in that muddy water and made them get back in the car.

Oh, Mom! Oh, Miss Mary! Oh, Mrs. Ison! Each in their own way the kids protested that I was quite the party pooper!

But they did all love the after-camp snacks I brought, so I wasn't a complete drag on the day's fun.

1 comment:

  1. Don't leave me in suspense! Did you go through the water and get flooded and stuck overnight? Or did you barely get safely to the other side? Or did you prudently go another way? AND most importantly, what were the yummy snacks? We always enjoy your blog. Love Jim


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